The Library of Congress Manila office acquires publications through a network of local dealers and publishers. This is supplemented by routine visits of staff to local bookstores, university presses, and non-government organizations, and regional acquisition trips to the major cities of the Philippines. The visits aim to identify and select the most useful materials from a large base area.
Media accesses and a pool of experts keep the office informed not only of new publications and potential sources but also of critical issues so that ephemeral materials can be collected in a timely fashion.
Monthly Circulars of recommended titles are prepared for participating libraries to choose from. Participants can elect to order titles by subject, type, and/or format. This includes maps, expensive titles, new serials, reprints, retrospective titles, films, sound recordings, and others.
Over the course of the year, the materials acquired for each
member library are recorded so that a table of acquisitions broken down by subject,
language, and logistics can be easily created. Annually,
a list of new serials titles is also circulated
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